Hello Hello hi, I’m Michelle

I thought my journey started when I needed to heal from one of my past relationships in 2020, but my journey first opened up in 2014 when my grandma passed away. Little did I know then, but her passing was my first catalyst in remembering my soul and my greater mission for being here. But then life passed by and I don’t think I was truly ready to walk my path; so I tried to live the corporate life even though I knew for some time, this wasn’t my path. It was as if my soul’s essence was still brewing underneath mostly in a dormant state, waiting for the time to finally emerge.

Then a challenging karmic relationship in 2020 left me so broken and shattered, I knew I couldn’t keep living life like this and perpetuating the cycles of being in half-baked, abusive relationships. It was a dramatic shift calling me towards my path. The first few years of my path were heavy on the emotional healing, and it’s only been since late 2023 where I’ve been leaning into my innate, psychic abilities. Through a combination of self discovery and mentor-led teachings, my path has led me to psychic mediumship.

As we all love a good full circle moment.. it’s taken me learning mediumship to fully understand that our loved ones are always with us, just on the other side. Isn’t it funny how these dots connect when you look back? My journey started with the lost of my grandma, and now here I am, helping others reconnect with their loved ones in spirit.

But even before my journey started, I weathered my storms through art. It started with gravitating towards art at 5 because art always understood me in ways I felt my peers and loved ones couldn’t at the time. Growing up whenever I couldn’t make sense of my emotions, I would turn to art whether it was coloring with crayons, drawing doodles, or painting. There was a period where I turned away from art during my corporate life phase and have only recently returned to my artistic voice. So you can say this is my rebirth into remembering my soul fully- spiritually and artistically.

From here,

Softly.Ou (Softly You) is Born




The journey of remembering Love

Life is a trip. The fact that we get to be here is even more magical and special. Truly, it is an honor that we all get to be here on Earth even as difficult as it is at times. We aren’t put here on Earth to wallow in our pain and anger; we’re here to evolve to embody love, peace, and our essence. Behind your fears and doubts is love waiting to burst through to fill in the cracks in your heart, to mend your sadness, and fill you whole. All you have to do is surrender to your heart- sink in, feel the hurt and pain, let it in then let it out. Each time you allow yourself to feel the depths of your emotions and heal, you’re retrieving back some love; for love is one of the highest vibrations we are here to learn to ground in our essence.

It is my deepest gratitude to help you remember your journey back home to love through my offerings; thank you.

Get to Know More of me in my Little Creative Corner :)

A little creative bean whose forever inspired by life itself in the little, everyday moments and the grandiose splashes; it’s what continues to fuel my little ethereal being on this earth. It’s the colors & undertones in plants, the twinkles in people’s eyes, and the range of emotions we can feel that can make this place special; it can make your reality special too if you’re open to noticing the magic in everyday life.

With all that magic, one way I channel it is through my pottery. Being an artist, I honor my creativity and artistic voice in how she wishes to move through me; thus, all my products are a snapshot expression of my own soul’s love energy in art form. May my items resonate with you on some level and may they find their home with you. It’s an honor to create these pieces and I hope you enjoy them as much as I have in making them. Please take a look around at my current available pottery items.

Boop. Thank you for being here.